Thursday, December 27, 2012

I am enjoying the Christmas holiday and getting rested up for what is really going to be the best year ever.  Have spent time with people I love, read a lot of books, took a few naps - life is pretty good.  I'm going to get started on the plan a bit early, though - have time on my hands, will start putting my house in order.  Need to do some cleaning up and cleaning out.  Also got a book on managing/leading - so far, very interesting - will put the title here if the book pans out as a good one.  I have really benefited from some great books this year - will make a list.

Also just relaxing and enjoying - going out to dinner with friends tonight, looking forward to it.  A couple days of relaxing, another day spent with friends, and yet a few more days of relaxing - good way to end and begin again.

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